Some time recently (I believe it was yesterday), the new promo cards for Hobby League went up on the VSsystem.com site. We'd known the names and versions of these cards for quite some time, but we had no idea what they do. Now that the cat's out of the bag, Jared Stevens <> Fate has been getting a lot of attention due to his built in ability of paying resource points to KO unique equipments (like, oh I don't know, the fate set and Infinity Gems), as well as the added bonus of reducing the cost of Magic plot twists by one. He's a very good card, but I think Mr. Scott here outshines him. There are so many ways you can abuse ready effects. We all know this. Quicksilver, Berserker Rage, Samantha Parrington, Fate Has Spoken, the new six drop Flash, various Rock of Eternity decks, they're all good. Well, we can add Alan Scott to that list. There's no real reason to not use his effect any turn past four when you're on initiative to just add to the beats. Why wouldn't you want to swing your six across the curve for the mutual stun and then bring him right back to go barreling down the curve? Of course, the character has to be stunned, so that would play in to any attacking choices, but keep in mind that he has other uses, especially if you can find a way to move him to the hidden area with cards like Rook Control with a team up, The Outside World with a team up or Dr. Mid-Nite in some kind of under drop curve of JSA.
There are so many things he can do here. It's not limited to any phase of the game. It's not like Lilandra where it's only during combat, it's not anything like that. Your opponent breaks up your reinforcement on his initiative and is swinging down the curve on your little guy with a bunch of pumps? Activate Alan to recover and ready the guy next to him and exhaust him to reinforce. Want to take out two guys in the hidden area? Pop an Uni-Power on someone and make sure he gets stunned that first swing (yes, folks, Blinding Rage is your friend) so he can come right back to some other important hidden area character. You want to use Human Torch, Flame On! twice in a turn as a game ender? Why not? Seems like a pretty good trade to take 12 when your opponent burns for 26. There are so many facets to make this guy super crazy good, that I knew the second I saw him I would have to make a deck around him. And I will.
Hell, that Torch idea is sounding better and better the more I think about it.....
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