Monday, March 24, 2008

Comic Geek Speak Episode 400

For the 400th episode of CGS, the Geeks decided to do a call in show. After much fighting for air time with the rest of the rabid fan base, I finally made it through around 7:45. I was a bit nervous and didn't really let the Geeks speak too much (I made a comment about how one of the preconstructed computer characters in Rock Band shares an eerie resemblance to CGS co-host Adam), but when I was asked to elaborate as to why I got into comics as a hobby, I made sure to mention that playing VS System was a major contributing factor to jumping into this crazy medium and buying monthlies.

It's been a pretty slow month for me VS wise. City Champs was at the beginning of the month, and I haven't played a game since. Two weeks ago was washed out by the Boston trip, and last week I was very surprised to find our weekly pseudo Hobby League was canceled by this thing called "Easter." To be honest, it hadn't even occurred to me that Sunday was Easter. These things happen when you're a lapsed Jew that's basically been an atheist your entire life. There's also a possibility that I might miss this Sunday's proceedings thanks to the 29 hour Wild Pig Comics sale in Northern New Jersey that begins on Saturday at noon and ends Sunday at 5 PM. Should be interesting. Lots of 50 cent books for the taking.

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