Sunday, March 2, 2008

Further thoughts on Alan Scott in Practice

My original plan for today's playtesting was to bring the Future Faust deck and see how that runs in practice. However, with that Alan Scott card showing up and me falling in love with it, I decided to proxy him up in the Fantastic Four of Earth 2 deck, with a couple of provisos.

1. I didn't have nearly enough 2 drop Luke Cages. I thought I had three. Turns out, I have one, which led to me running four Mr. Fantastic, and one each of Luke Cage and Namorita as my two drops.

2. I didn't realize this until after playing the last game, but I apparently forgot to put Black Adam in the deck. Silly me and my lack of seven drops.

I played the deck solely against another new build, a Doom/Gorilla Grodd deck that I helped Brian build. He won all four games, with the last win due to a play error on my part, which I'll get to later. Here are some general thoughts.

I missed three drop Invisible Woman during the first two games, which made the Force Field Projections and Invisibilities dead cards. I have two fixes for this. The first involves playing more of the character at one and five as alternate drops. I'd still rather have Jakeem or Thing on those turns, but Invisible Woman is quite important to everything running smoothly. The second fix is to swap Heroes of Two Worlds for Enemy of My Enemy. I don't particularly want to do this, due to my having the requisite HoTW and only one Enemy. If Heroes hit on turn three, everything would be fine. It's still a great search for later in the game, but Enemy's probably the way to go here.

Luke Cage HAS to hit the field on turn 2. With the ability to play four of him, he is an automatic mulligan condition. The deck really needs the card draw he generates, in order to truly make sure you can draw into the Team-Ups, as well as extra pumps and combat tricks. This is necessary.

I either need to run more Team-Ups or Teamwork. I wasn't getting teamed up every game, which needs to happen.

I should probably throw a Fantastic Four seven drop in there as well.

As far as the play error I made is concerned, I mixed up which card goes where when you activate Jakeem. I was convinced during turn seven that if I played Jakeem and activated him to search out Jay Garrick, Jay would be the one going on top of my deck instead of my hand. Had I searched out Jay and played him, I would have had enough to put myself over the top. I won't be making that mistake again.

Overall, I'm still proud of the deck. It needs some tweaking, and it's a testament to how strong the Grodd/Doom deck is in that matchup. I got my revenge, though, as I brought out my IG concealed beats deck and caved the monkey's head in when I got frustrated. Expect to see write-ups on the new version of the FF/JSA deck, as well as the Grodd/Doom deck in the next couple days. I've got a pretty hectic March up ahead of me, with concerts, car inspections, cat sitting, a vacation to Boston and the Wild Pig 29 hour comic sale at the end of the month. It's a lot on my plate, so I wouldn't necessarily expect to see posts every day, but I'll do my best to keep this thing as regularly updated as my sanity allows.

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